On the Set of Nailin' Paylin
The Sarah Palin-inspired porno being made by Hustler has to be one of the most heavily anticipated porn film ever made. The film titled Who’s Nailin’ Paylin [sic] is being treated like a Hollywood blockbuster with on-set photos leaked before its release.
The film stars 2006’s MILF of the Year Nominee Lisa Anna as Sarah Palin. In the script leaked to TMZ, the big-bosomed porn star helps out some Russians who get a flat tire and, in the spirit of foreign relations, decides to let them in. Like any good porno, the script is full of innuendos and double entendres. The highlight is a threesome with a Hillary Clinton and a Condoleezza Rice look-a-like.
From the look of the script, the film seems to be heavy on the words and light on the action, which kind of reminds me of a certain politician.
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